“Clearly, Carey and Asbury (2012) know their topic so well that they don’t mince words when describing and explaining focus group research. They stick to the essentials and the result is a book where every word counts; there are no extraneous paragraphs. This book would be a great addition to a university course on qualitative research methods. And, of course, it is a must read for those interested in and/or already engaged in focus group research.”
– The Qualitative Report
” Carey (a consultant) and Asbury (Stevenson Univ.) are established practitioners and writers in the field of focus group research. The intended audiences for this book include researchers with experience in qualitative methods, graduate students taking a course in qualitative methods, and postgraduates in health, the social sciences, and education. The authors present a brief but comprehensive approach to the range of issues that should be considered when undertaking a focus group project. Topics covered include a description of the method, its psychosocial foundations, and decisions relative to planning a session (such as sampling, recruiting, participants, choosing the moderator, selecting a venue, and designing clear and concise questions). A notable chapter addresses how to adapt and apply the focus group method when examining “special” or “vulnerable” populations such as children, minorities, the elderly, LGBT participants, and those with a cognitive disability. A distinguishing feature of this book is its consideration of ethics throughout the focus group research process. Entries on this topic range from one sentence (in the “Analysis” chapter) to several pages (in the “Planning” chapter). The authors discuss informed consent, confidentiality, incentives, and privacy. The book contains a two-page glossary, a two-page index, and 142 references. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower-division undergraduates and above; general readers. ”